Goods to the warehouse. Competitors run before us. How to DELIVERY?
If the product has no difference in the market, this is probably a difficult problem for business owners. Recruiting leaders and marketing managers helps to improve the productivity of the department, but it is still ineffective. Hiring units to run ads is still not up to expectations. Biti’s case study below is probably the best when it comes to this situation.

Deal with inventory
Biti’s considered a fashion icon of the 7x, 8x generation with conditional conditions in Vietnam, Biti’s is known as a super durable product. The year 2000 – a time of open competition. World-famous shoe brands such as Nike and Adidas have entered the Vietnamese market, putting enormous pressure on Biti’s market share. They researched and launched the Biti’s Hunter product line targeting the dynamic youth segment, the shoes that could mix many styles to go out, exercise, and go to work could be mixed and important at affordable prices.

Biti’s breakthroughs with Biti’s Hunter
With effective communication strategies, they have broken out the market with Biti’s spectacular comeback, which has created a huge buzz, marking the transformation of sales as well as positioning in the minds of customers.

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