#Our Managing Human Resource Experience 17/07/2021


Weak managers do not know how to lead the team, which will affect the operation progress of the whole enterprise and the whole system. The directions they give can cause bad results, adversely affecting the company’s revenue. Therefore, timely detecting and replacing weak Marketing Managers is also a difficult problem that business owners need to find a solution!


Trưởng phòng cần thay thế

Trưởng phòng cần thay thế


  • A weak Marketing Manager will cause subordinates to disobey and lose confidence in the leadership. This leads to the case of employees having a disgruntled attitude, slandering, and exposing the company when they quit their jobs.
  • A weak Marketing Manager will bring little value to the business, waste resources, waste time and salary costs, but the results will not be good. The replacement will help businesses find better people, operate the system and improve the situation, increase business revenue.
  • Weak heads of departments can understand and communicate poorly the requirements of their superiors, leading to employees not doing the right work, losing time and effort without achieving the set standards.

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Cách tuyển dụng Trưởng phòng Marketing giỏi và sử dụng hiệu quả

Làm thế nào để Enuy giữ chân được hàng chục Trường phòng Marketing giỏi?

Trưởng phòng Marketing

Trưởng phòng Marketing


In the process of recognizing, beating and training dozens of Heads of Departments in the Enuy system. Setting up the Sales – Marketing department for more than 100 businesses, we have summarized the symptoms of a weak Marketing Manager and need to be replaced as follows:

1. Marketing Manager  – Lack of ability to lead the team in implementing market research

Weak market research skills, ambiguous return results that are not close to reality, leading to high false positives. Leads to loss of many business owners resources.


  • – When conducting market research, breaking down the work is not reasonable, assigning the wrong person to the wrong person, not exploiting the full strength of the personnel.

    – Lack of stats analysis skills to draw conclusions

    – Failure to detect personnel problems to promptly solve

    – No training or guidance for personnel on how to do it. How to find, enter the market and collect data

2. Marketing Manager  – Lack of creativity; Content lacks depth

For a Manager, writing skills are more or less 7/10; Writing himself, readers have seen the depth of logic ability, creativity, attractiveness… a good city needs to write well. To have the ability to guide his teammates in effective writing thinking.

In Marketing, Content is likened to the King, so content creation is an essential element for a Marketing Manager if you want to lead a successful team.


  • – Lack of creativity, innovative thinking or management
    – Read the staff’s post, do not analyze and discover the problem
    – Write professional articles that lack depth, logic, and attractiveness
    – Do not train, guide personnel to improve skills.
Biểu hiện của TPMKT yếu

Biểu hiện của TPMKT yếu

3. Marketing Manager – Lack of capacity to analyze, synthesize and evaluate to come up with solutions to problems.

Weak managers often make decisions based on emotions, without analysis, evaluation or specific evidence. One is to agree in a flat manner, and the other is to refute the opinion of the staff without digging deep or solving, answering questions correctly – enough – clearly.

For example, at work, evaluating human resources is not good from my personal point of view and then discarding it without giving a specific plan, very emotional.


  • – Poor ability to analyze and synthesize information, leading to failure to handle arising tasks in a timely manner
    – Communicating and assigning work is not close to leadership requirements
    – Manager feedback is slow, when you find out the problem to solve, it’s too late
    – Lack of flexibility, problem-solving skills
    – There is no plan to back up the problems that arise because they do not know how the personnel work

4. Marketing Manager – Lack of recruiting skills

The important role of an MKT TP is the ability to do classified interviews and in-depth skills interviews. With this skill, it is possible to see the capacity of the team, to arrange and assign the right people. Bring good performance at work.


  • – Not knowing how to ask questions to find out candidate information, not fully exploiting the capacity and experience when interviewing
    – Lack of analysis and synthesis skills to recruit the right people for the position the business needs.
    – Poor communication and lack of persuasion and negotiation skills
Trưởng phòng Marketing yếu

Trưởng phòng Marketing yếu

5. Marketing Manager  – Lack of capacity to manage, operate and measure the team.

When the superior leader assigns a job, he doesn’t know how to deploy it, does not recognize the problem, so it leads to the team’s work being blocked, sluggish, stomped.


  • – The head of the department evaluates personnel from his personal point of view and then discards without giving a specific plan, very emotional because of his lack of ability to analyze and evaluate indicators.
    – Failure to properly assess the capacity of personnel >> not exploiting the full capacity.
    – Don’t know how to evaluate personnel capacity, salary and bonus accordingly

6. Marketing Manager  –  Lack of job assignment skills

Assigning work is not just about handing down to subordinates to do, but it also requires a process of training thinking and ability to recognize strengths, teamwork, and checking to get information. Do not let the risk happen, support employees to complete timely according to the set orientation.


  • – Assigning the wrong person, not the right strength and forte of the personnel
    – Assign work without commitment, standard of completion >>> low quality and results
    – The number of assigned tasks is sometimes less than a lot >>> personnel are sometimes free, sometimes overloaded
    – Assigning work but no result measurement file, especially work related to indicators such as fb ads, gg ads
  • >>  Making business owners very time consuming and unable to grasp the progress of the work in time time.
Trưởng phòng Marketing yếu cần thay

Trưởng phòng Marketing yếu cần thay

7. Marketing Manager  – Lack of skills in training and developing personnel.


  • – Not paying close attention to the employee’s point of need for improvement, not knowing how to train staff, or the knowledge to solve the problem at the root. As a result, the progress of the whole team is affected.
    – Do not actively learn, update professional knowledge, new trends in the market to help with work. Train and help staff develop.
    – Communication ability – communication is not good
    – Lack of analytical skills – planning, training content  and post-training evaluation


8. Marketing Managers  – Lack of leadership skills makes employees admire and obey.


  • – Do not put trust in personnel, do not know how to skillfully motivate, set an example, lead brothers, go step by step to achieve their goals. But only know how to assign work and evaluate the results, not make subordinates obey.
    – Oral assignment, uneven assignment, people do little, people do a lot >> Disgruntled personnel, disobedient
    – Autocratic, lack of listening, disrespect for the opinions of subordinates who do not understand and know the problems or needs of employees
    – Control too tightly the behavior of employees, causing pressure, stress.
    – Don’t know how to motivate employees
Biếu hiện TP MKT yếu cần thay

Biếu hiện TP MKT yếu cần thay


The Marketing Manager must be really capable to help lead the Marketing – Sales team well, implement strategies to scale up, increase revenue for the business. Managers with weak leadership skills and lack of professional skills need regular training or timely replacement.

Above are the signs to identify the weak Marketing Manager that Enuy has concluded. Wish business owners promptly detect and replace weak factors and will recruit qualified, culturally appropriate people to accompany their businesses!




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