#News 08/08/2021


Marketing and Sales are two extremely important activities in the Enterprise, it is considered as two sides of the same coin, if either side is missing, the “coin” is no longer valid. The two departments of Marketing and Sales personnel are closely related, inseparable, and need to connect and support each other.

–   Marketing makes strategy, outlines, guides and supports in terms of communication, branding to make sales really good.

–  The sales team must cover the goods widely, they must win at the points of sale, and take good care of their customers to contribute to the success of the marketing campaigns and the company.

According to statistics, the right alignment between the two departments of sales and marketing will lead to 32% more revenue, 38% higher closing rates and 36% more gifting customer retention rates. Besides, the growth rate is 24% faster and revenue growth is also 27% faster.

Gắn kết nhân sự Marketing - sales

Gắn kết nhân sự Marketing – sales


  • 25% of businesses say their sales and marketing departments are rarely linked.
  • Just over a third of salespeople believe that the marketing department knows what they need, but 59% of marketers think they know what the sales department needs from them.
  • 33% of sales and marketing departments don’t meet often

Another Request Gen survey found that the three biggest obstacles to the alignment of sales and marketing departments are:

  • Communication (49%)
  • Faulty or flawed process (42%)
  • Working with different metrics (40%)

This is clearly a misalignment between two important parts of the Sales and Marketing business. Caused a lot of problems that happened during the work.


  • Sales personnel lack information from customer data provided by MKT team => Not closing sales effectively, slow to respond to customers’ requests and questions
  • Sales do not understand when the MKT team does not provide market research information about customer portraits, clear product and service information >>> low closing rate
  • In the process of communicating with customers, sales do not coordinate to exploit customer information => MKT personnel lack research data, take more time, do not receive customer feedback to improve advertising or communication campaigns
  • MKT does not work with sales, it will be difficult to understand the problem – desire – actual behavior of the customer => not offering the right advertising campaign, typing the right customer plan
  • MKT Target personnel are not the right customers when sales personnel do not provide data to collect customers from reality.
  • When the sales program, or the communication campaign is not effective, the two teams have an attitude of blaming the other => causing conflict.

That is just one of the few problems that are happening every day in many businesses, which is the cause of the failure of communication campaigns, low closing rate, and revenue not meeting the set targets. .

Overcoming these things is that businesses will save a significant part of unnecessary costs and improve work efficiency to a new level.




It is necessary for the business to focus on the human resources team, to connect the Marketing – sales department so that the two sides can work together in the process of implementing the strategy.

  • Setup Marketing – Sales department, the same team is in charge of a leader

A coordinating leader will be a factor linking two important departments.

Multi-tasking personnel as MKT –  Coordinate Sales.

When human resources understand customers, market research, create a customer-facing customer profile and understand business products and services, they will build a scenario to close sales and approach customers effectively.

At the same time, during the sales process, they will connect and communicate directly with customers, exploiting actual information. From there, synthesize and re-analyze research data to adjust communication plans, advertising, and sales programs appropriately to reach more customers.


  • Link OKR goals, KPIs of the 2 Marketing – Sales departments are related to each other

Both parties participate and influence common interests, thereby having the responsibility to actively coordinate and exchange to work effectively.

The application of common KPIs helps members to be more responsible, self-disciplined and disciplined to complete their work.

Not only that, all members will notice the work of their colleagues and ask for help or support to complete each person’s work. In order to bring about the best results for the common goal, they will self-motivate and motivate each other to try.

Nhân sự Marketing - sales cùng chung một team

Nhân sự Marketing – sales cùng chung một team

  • Improve communication between the two departments of Sales – Marketing. Encourage two-way communication.

It is necessary for personnel to know the importance and necessity when the two departments coordinate and work together. From there, the two sides actively exchange

The sales department will be able to do a much better job if they have the most detailed customer information (besides basic contact information) from the marketing department.

And vice versa, in the process of contacting customers, the sales department can also actively collect more information to create a realistic portrait of potential customers… This information brings great help. for the marketing team in adjusting and developing the strategy.

  • Rebuild the workflow of two departments, relate and coordinate with each other, exchange information and data to support other departments.

Both Sales and Marketing departments need training to understand each other’s work and workflow. It is necessary for personnel to know the importance and necessity when the two departments coordinate and work together. From there, the two sides actively exchange

Organize sales staff meetings to understand the problems of the sales department as well as survey the actual market; and vice versa also periodically invite the sales department to participate in meetings of the marketing department to help the sales people understand the communication messages of the business and contribute their practical opinions in the process. strategy builder

Cải thiện giao tiếp nhân sự Marketing - Sales
  • Cải thiện giao tiếp nhân sự Marketing – Sales
  • Using the reporting system, resource data on the company intranet, so that the two parties can exchange data quickly

A common data system helps both parties to access and retrieve necessary information for their work. Save time and resources, legacy information.

At the same time, information according to system data will help the process of analysis, synthesis, customer research, and market research faster. Besides, the leader is easy to manage and monitor the work situation of both departments, promptly adjust and coordinate.

Sales and Marketing both work towards a common goal: Ensure business operations and help businesses grow. When the two departments connect and work together effectively, businesses will and improve work efficiency, significantly improve on key performance indicators: Shorter sales cycle, cost of market entry reduced and lower selling cost,….


There are many ways to help the two departments of Sales and Marketing can work together more effectively. And this is the way that MKTPro has successfully applied, Marketing managers are also easy to manage and coordinate their personnel in the process of implementing business strategies.

Hope the above sharing will help you have more methods to apply to your business!

Good luck with your business!


MKT Pro – Owning an in-house Marketing Department with all locations with just 1 click!

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