Brainstorm để có được sự đồng thuận từ các thành viên trong nhóm cho giải pháp được lựa chọn, đưa ra được nhiều ý tưởng gỡ rối hay mang tính đột phá. Khi một người khó có thể nghĩ, cả tập thể cùng nhau nghĩ để tìm ra giải pháp tối ưu nhất. Các cụ có dạy “một cây làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên hòn núi cao”. Bão não là thời gian sử dụng tới tinh thần và sức mạnh của tập thể, kích thích hoạt động của não chuyên sâu hơn về vấn đề thảo luận, từ đó có thể giúp nảy sinh ra những ý tưởng sáng tạo, phương pháp giải quyết mang tính thực tiễn cao hơn.
Brainstorm at Enuy we are called “Brainstorm” team. Faced with a difficult problem, it is necessary to have a meeting to synthesize opinions, create ideas for video recording, discuss to come up with a solution, we all have a brainstorm.
Brainstorms encourage people to think outside the box, combine ideas, encourage people to support each other’s ideas to practice teamwork, and foster team spirit. team.
Brainstorming method is now very popular in businesses, especially in marketing and creative departments. But there were many problems that caused the brainstorming session to yield unexpected results, and the teamwork spirit was weak.
Today we will share 4 methods that Enuy has applied to have a highly effective team brainstorming session, improving teamwork capacity:
Brainstorming is applied regularly in meetings and training to form collective working habits for all members. From leaders, managers to departmental personnel
At Enuy, the team spirit is highly appreciated, so the brainstorm method is used regularly in meetings and direct coordination training from directors or department heads, encouraging everyone to focus on discussions. .
The frequent brainstorming of teamwork connects the members more, the members form the habit of working together, connecting, expressing opinions and giving feedback to give appropriate and constructive solutions. At the same time, it also takes advantage of the collective strength to optimize the time to solve the work.
Example: When the boss assigns the job to complete a promotional video in a week. The whole team will gather together to brainstorm ideas, write video scripts. During the implementation process, there will be brainstorms many times to correct and perfect.

Brainstorm thường xuyên trong các buổi họp và đào tạo
- Train staff in coordination skills and assign and combine work when brainstorming
The coordinator should have a neutral, objective attitude, know how to encourage the spirit and stimulate the creativity of the members.
Know how to coordinate to solicit opinions from all participants, interact with feedback from many sides to make the brainstorming session effective. At the same time, it is necessary to be open, receive opinions from many dimensions, then analyze and synthesize information to produce the most appropriate results.
For example: The host of advertising video production will be the coordinator of the brain storm in the brainstorm. In charge of preparing content, scheduling people and providing necessary information.
The host will divide the work for each person, who will record the results, who will support who will do the work and who will synthesize the final information.

Đào tạo các nhân sự kỹ năng điều phối khi brainstorm
Set clear goals and deadlines for team members to plan and brainstorm effectively.
Set limits and rules right at the beginning of the brainstorming session so that members can follow and agree, optimize time, avoid wandering off topic.
Members need to know the reason for the brainstorming session, the goals are actionable, aiming for a clear purpose to solve the problem right from the beginning of the meeting will bring high efficiency.
Set up brainstorming sessions to improve performance. By breaking down the tasks, solving each small step in turn to reach the end goal.
The job host will make a request before the brainstorming session, the goal of the brainstorming session and the completed result: the members come up with a promotional video idea in the right direction of the strategy, feasible and practicable. in a week, in line with available resources. Deadline: 1 week
The brainstorming session needs to complete the idea, the implementation timeline, the scriptwriter. Time to shoot, edit, coordinate support.

Thiết lập các mục tiêu và thời hạn rõ ràng khi brainstorm
Honestly express opinions, respect the ideas of colleagues, focus 100% of energy when participating in brainstorming
The members participating in the brainstorm frankly expressed their personal opinions, frankly gave feedback and openly received the contributions of other members. Attitude is constructive, not conflicting.
That is the culture that took shape in Enuy. Thanks to her frank, respectful and welcoming attitude, brainstorming sessions were smooth, avoiding internal conflicts, avoiding criticism and negative emotions among members.
In the process of brainstorming video ideas, each person will contribute their own ideas, discuss and contribute other people’s ideas to reach a consensus on a best idea for implementation.
When participating in a brain storm, all will stop all personal work, turn off electronic devices, focus 100% of thinking energy.

Tập trung 100 % năng lượng khi tham gia brainstorming
In order to have a successful and highly effective Brainstorming session, it is important that the leader has a plan to prepare and know how to coordinate, engage the members, focus on cooperation and improve teamwork.
Team habits cannot be formed overnight, need to be practiced every day from small jobs to big jobs. It is a skill that should be paid attention and developed by businesses.
Hope the above sharing will help you have more methods to apply to your business!
Good luck with your business!
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